
Sourdough Classes

If you're interested in a sourdough class please email me. I'm currently trying to plan based on the interest level I receive.

Class start time will be 12pm and end no later than 6pm. Classes will be held in real working Bakery on Saturday's in the Marlboro area. If you're in NYC its about a 75 mile drive. 65 miles from the Whiteplains area and about 40 miles from the putnam dutchess area.

Class cost is $87.00 per person and will be limited to 8 people. 

We will be making Sourdough bread, and a few other breads using commercial yeast and a combination of sourdough Starter and commercial yeast, Baguettes, Brioche to name a few. 

You will be mixing dough from scratch and by hand and taking it home to bake in your home oven the next day. We will work on shaping and dough with higher hydration levels. Since making proper sourdough needs more time than this class I will also supply pre leavend dough that you will divide and shape to bake on site.